Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Create a keyboard shortcut to paste plain text in Microsoft Word and Excel

Last week I described the PureText utility that lets you paste plain text in Word and other applications via a keyboard shortcut. Unfortunately, you have to click the program's icon in your system tray before you press the shortcut keys. Thus you lose the speed benefit of not having to take your hands off the keyboard.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

FTC Chair's Impartiality Questioned

Federal Trade Commission chairwoman Deborah Platt Majoras should recuse herself from voting on the Google-DoubleClick deal because her husband works for the law firm representing DoubleClick, the Electronic Privacy Information Center and the Center for Digital Democracy said Dec. 12 in an FTC filing.

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IBM: When it comes to energy use, eco-friendly rules

OK, Harry cornered the market today on politically laden postings. So, here I am with some suggestive stats from the data-minded folks at IBM, who have conducted a survey about energy among roughly 1,900 households in the United States, the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands....

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